Wednesday, January 11, 2012 parents house

So the New Year has started and of course i have New Years resolutions. Behave,blog more,drink less wine, watch less soaps and eat no chocolate for a while.....( a day or so)
I also bought a new camera.(thanks to hubby)
Yesterday i went to my parents appartement and tested it. Here  you can see where my love for styling came from.

Living room

Like me my mother loves magazines and cant throw any away.

My mum loves designers stuff...

And she irons all her bedlinnen....not something i inherited :))

My favorite colors...

Ilove this chinese room divider, the Maria statue was found on the streets of Barcelona years ago.
Mum almost had to buy an extra plain ticket to take her home.....

Mum and i both love to mix old and new stuff.

ILOVE her house and ilove her......(and Dad too of course)


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  1. What a beautiful home they have darling !! i like it all ...we also live in a appartement !!

  2. I think going without chocolate for one day is plenty long enough. ;)

    A new camera - how fun!

    And your parent's apartment is wonderful!

    Hope to see you blogging more my friend!

    xo Catherine

  3. fabulous apartment- I'd have to go without chocolate for the day if I went there cos I'd get it all over that fabous white furniture!

  4. ILOVE your parents house/apartment too!
    They have great style...
    LOVE PEACE enJOY always your parent's

  5. Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful house :o)

    Dottie x

  6. An absolutely AMAZING HOME! The white sofas are just lovely- Where are they bought???
    Also love the detalis like the cameras lined up in the living room.
    Thanks for sharing with us!

  7. Wow, what a gorgeous home!!!! Love the colors and design.....that to me, is the best part. Walking int someones home and really getting to know WHO they are by the pieces they choose:)

    Just stumbled upon your blog, now following:)

    Inspiration for You, Your Home, & Everywhere in Between!

  8. thanks for the lovely comment, sorry it took so long to reply......i'm also finding it hard to get back into blogging but am determined to give it a go....i will if you will ! easy to see where you get your stylish eye from, the apartment is fabulous......did you always live in such gorgeous spaces growing up? ella x

  9. It looks like a fabulous place to live in. The dark-colored walls help the eyes notice how bright and colorful the furniture and other items are. It's very open and inviting... your parents have a great home.

  10. vraag me niet hoe ik op je blog ben gekomen waarschijnlijk via klikklik enz. Maar ik ga je volgen, want ondanks dat het in het engels is kan ik gewoon reageren in het nederlands want dat klopt toch? Je bent toch nederlands?
    Ik had de reportage in Ariadne al gelezen/gezien en dat is het nog leuker om zo maar ineens op je blog te komen. En het huis van je moeder....super mooi.

    O en als je moeder soms nog twee dezelfde design lampen voor boven een tafel zoekt, ik heb er hier twee liggen. Mijn zoon heeft andere lampen voor boven zijn tafel gekocht.

    Lieve groet



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